Draft new research page 9.24.2021 edits coming

Our Research

The Institute’s faculty and staff conduct and support original research to advance fundamental knowledge of human biology – broadly defined – through the application of computational methods to large and diverse datasets.

We promote the translation of this knowledge to better diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prevention, and delivery of care. We collaborate with institutions and consortia regionally, nationally, and internationally to improve health with a commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Publications from Institute members can be found here. {Link to what is now the research page - which will be a publications page}


The ability to generate nearly complete DNA sequences of entire human genomes from people linked to rich phenotypic data creates opportunities for significant discovery. Institute faculty members lead projects that span genetic and ‘omics discovery, developing and applying novel statistical and computational methods to massive datasets from regional, national, and international collaborations. A focus on community-directed research supports our commitment to diversity, which starts with the appropriate framing of our inquiries.

• Our faculty members advise on the national genetics research agenda and lead consortia tasked with accelerating discovery in the mechanism of Alzheimer’s disease, with a focus on how this condition manifests differently across diverse populations.  Read more here.

• Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) is a leading worldwide cause of irreversible blindness in people over 40, and has a nearly two-fold higher risk among people with African ancestry. “Race” has been included as a factor in models of POAG risk, but our team members seek a data-driven, biological explanation. {Link to new page, based on Jessica’s biosketch/annual review} {THIS MIGHT HOLD - I"M TALKING TO JESSICA NEXT WEEK ABOUT A WRITE UP}

• Farren’s work – link to new press release? {Easy enough to do for the short term and then Farren and I can work on a separate page}

• Will – pathprox work – need narrative OR Do you want to list the AD diverse populations research?  {I can write it up from the grant/abstract}


  • We collaborate with local health systems on data harmonization, study design, and data analysis - and conduct original research in collaboration with these colleagues.  We partner on research across a wide range of conditions.  Read more about our work in Ocular Genomics with the Louis Stokes Veterans Administration here. {link to page re Dana and Jessica's work with Sudha and the VA MVP Ocular Genomics Group? }


  • Researchers are using vast and rapidly changing health data for real-time diagnostics, notably in epilepsy. The use of massive dynamic data requires new representation and analytical techniques. Read more here.


  • The use of online search queries and the results of even a few diagnostic tests mapped to geospatial data makes it possible to track the movement or spread of disease early in the evolution of an epidemic. By tracing sentinel events, our teams can predict the need for resources and advise in their deployment.  Read more here.


  • Our faculty members are partnering in research in Cuyahoga county that engages directly with the community to address disparities in prostate cancer screening and outcomes among African American men. This community-based work will serve as a model that can be applied in other regions that see similar disparities in cancer screening and care.   Read more here.