Figure 1. Yep, I attended another Joint Summits on Translational Science meeting (now known as Informatics Summit). New look, same great taste! (2018)
For the second year in a row, I attended the Joint Summits on Translational Science, rebranded as the AMIA Informatics Summit (Figure 1). Despite the name change, the locale was the same (San Francisco, CA) with slightly different conference dates (March 12-15, 2018), and the scope of the science remained highly relevant: data science, translational science, implementation, and clinical research.
Last year’s meeting was a who’s who of genomicists intersecting with informaticists. While this year wasn’t quite the same, it still covered all the bases. I did miss colleagues and friends Drs. Marylyn Ritchie, Sarah Pendergrass, and Blanca Himes. But at least CWRU Institute for Computational Biology (ICB) colleague Dr. Will Bush was there in support of our paper and presentation.
Oh, yeah, I submitted a manuscript titled “Somatic T-cell receptor diversity in a chronic kidney disease patient population linked to electronic health records” based on our data from the MetroHealth/ICB Pilot study (MIPs). This manuscript was selected for publication and an oral presentation at the meeting in the data and informatics-based interventions session.

Figure 2. Will Bush found himself in the academic doghouse, juggling the meeting and other responsibilities at the 2018 Informatics Summit.
All in all the presentation went well, and Will and I both attended interesting sessions on the latest in informatics and precision medicine. We also witnessed the annual tour de force of kudos given by Dr. Russ Altman.

Figure 3. I am a free at the 2018 Informatics Summit! And, I see a wine bar is nearby!
Both Will and I had limited time at the meeting this year given other overlapping obligations (study section, anyone?). But, we managed to break free for at least one fun nosh before returning to the mayhem that is academia.

Figure 4. Can’t wine about science, can we? (2018 Informatics Summit)

Figure 5. A well balanced meal at the 2018 Informatics Summit: carbs, meat, dairy, fruit, and veggies (if you dare to eat the garnish).